Упр. 17 стр. 50 (Lesson 3)


Упражнение 17. Найдите предложения со словами to have, one, that, переведите.

Although the US is a large country with many peoples the language is almost the same wherever one goes. There are two reasons for this. One is that people move around a great deal in the US. A man can grow up in one part of the country, go to college in another place, find work in another place and marry a girl from still another part of the country.

The second important factor is public communication. Movies, radio and television all have standard way of speech. The southern part of the US is probably the region with the most individual speech. Southern pronunciation differs from that in the rest of the country. Southerners talk slowly and often do not pronounce «r» or a final «g». Another common Southern expression is the unusual use of the word «evening». In most parts of the country this means the time after the sun goes down, the early part of the night, but to a Southerner it can mean any time after twelve o'clock noon. In the southern mountains there have not been new settlers from other countries for two hundred years. They have ways of speech that are like the English spoken centuries ago when the first people came there from England. Many songs they sing today are those sung long ago in England.


Movies, radio and television all have standard way of speech. - Фильмы, радио и телевидение имеют стандартный способ речи.

In the southern mountains there have not been new settlers from other countries for two hundred years. - В южных горах в течение двухсот лет не было новых поселенцев из других стран.

They have ways of speech that are like the English spoken centuries ago when the first people came there from England. - У них есть способы речи, которые похожи на английский, на котором говорили века назад, когда первые люди пришли сюда из Англии.

Although the US is a large country with many peoples the language is almost the same wherever one goes. - Хотя США - большая страна со множеством народов, язык везде, где бы то ни было, почти такой же.

One is that people move around a great deal in the US. - Во-первых, люди много путешествуют в США.

A man can grow up in one part of the country, go to college in another place, find work in another place and marry a girl from still another part of the country. - Человек может вырасти в одной части страны, пойти в колледж в другом месте, найти работу в другом месте и жениться на девушке из еще одной части страны.

Southern pronunciation differs from that in the rest of the country. - Южное произношение отличается от произношения (такового) в остальной части страны.