Итоговый тест 2020 по 11 и 12 уроку


Итоговый тест 2020 по 11 и 12 уроку

Define the grammar construction: A telephone set is a device to reproduce sounds. The system is considered to meet the increasing demand for air travel. The optical equivalent of a transistor is reported to have been produced. The substance is certain to have melted. Sound proves to travel through solid substances as well.

Translate the sentence using Complex Object or Subject: Ученые во многих странах считают, что винтовые двигатели более экономичные. Вероятно, что сверхпроводники найдут применение в будущем. Оказалось, что свойства материалов, полученных в космосе, были лучше чем у материалов созданных на Земле. Мы знаем что винтовые самолеты летают медленнее чем реактивные. Оказалось, что результаты лабораторных исследований очень полезны.

Open the brackets using right form of Subjunctive Mood: I wish when a boy I Ответ had studied French instead English. (to study) It is recommended that a text Ответ be read before you translate it. (to read) It's essential that you Ответ use every opportunity of practicing your spoken English. (to use) All kinds of safety devices for motor car are being developed lest accidents Ответ should occur (to occur). It is unbelievable that yesterday they Ответ should have walked this distance in such a short time. (to walk)

Choose the correct word: The absence of convection allows molten metals to be ____ more thoroughly on orbit. At temperatures just ____ the transition temperature, the heat capacity is larger than in the normal state. Resupply and ____________ flights by shuttles are routine. The station is _____ at an orbit between 278km and 460km altitude, and travels at an average speed of 27,743.8km/h. Typical missions of a new system might ____ the assembly of space structures. Critics of the ISS contend that the time and money spent on the ISS could be better spent on other projects - whether they are robotic spacecraft missions, space exploration, _____ of problems on Earth, or just tax savings.

Complete the sentence using wordformation. Nobody knows how such materials can Ответ behave in space. (BEHAVIOUR) One of the most important for hypersonic craft is a sophisticated cooling system lest extreme temperatures should destroy the craft. (REQUIRE) Some metals and glasses to be cooled down to the point of in space can be brought back to Earth.(SOLID) Research and technology should provide the Ответ basis for a better life. (BASE) It seems to be an interesting . (COMPARE) The living accommodation of the Shuttle is comfortable. (relative)

Fill in gaps. 2 words are extra The mechanical properties of semiconductors vary greatly. However, in hardness , brittleness (хрупкость) and fracture strength , semiconducting crystals resemble insulating crystals more they do metals. Besides their electric properties, superconductors vary in such physical qualities as magnetisim, specific heat and thermal conductivity .

Fill in gaps. 2 words are extra A semiconductor is often defined as an electric conductor that has a conductivity intermediate between that of an insulator and that of metal. Semiconductors are widely used in electronics . They challenge vacuum tubes in many applications in the electronic industry.

Fill in gaps. 2 words are extra Observation of the Earth from orbit is expected to help the study of long changes in the environment. Many foreign cosmonauts were involved in carrying out a lot of scientific experiments and conducting researches in orbit.


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