

12.5.2 Work with lexical units

Choose the correct translation: Investigation, flame, burn, surrounding, leap, accept, thoroughly, affect.

Match words and definitions: benefit, to balance, enormous, environment, To remove, exposure, To create, investigation, available.

Translate word combinations using these words: антигравитационная комната, уникальные явления, квантовый скачок, долговременное воздействие, загрязнение воздуха, расплавленные металлы, гравитационное воздействие, металлические сплавы.

Fill in gaps according to the context: The old people in the village still observe the local traditions. The observation deck was the only part of the tower to be opened so far. observational research uses data collected during routine clinical care. These two theories have been observationally confirmed.

French and English differ in this respect. She noticed a marked difference in the children on her second visit. My approach is totally different to his. Every county in the state reports data a little differently.


Решение: 12.5.2Решение: 12.5.2Решение: 12.5.2Решение: 12.5.2Решение: 12.5.2Решение: 12.5.2Решение: 12.5.2