

11.8 Test your knowledge (Final Test)

It would seem desirable to make a study of this phenomenon. The optical equivalent of a transistor is reported to have been produced. The system is considered to meet the increasing demand for air travel. The possibilities of guided missiles as an effective weapon are seemingly unlimited. The rains made the road impassable. Lasers to be placed on Earth satellites will transform solar radiation into laser beams. He is sure to be asked about it. They are reported to have finished the construction. Did you feel the bridge shake? He asked for the letter to be sent off at once. The police are said to be investigating the case. The new system is likely to be costly.

Mother doesn't let me ____________ football. Scientists expect superconductor ________________ in the computers soon. We believe the experiments _________________ successfully. We expect the contract ______________ soon. She doesn't like children ______________ for a walk alone. He intended me ___________ with him to India. Superconductors are easily made, but their quality is often ___________. Prestige, economic and military ________________________ could come well to the nation that first will master such a new field of physics as superconductivity. Scientists_______a full understanding of how ceramics become conductors. Superconductors are______difficult to fabricate into wires. Landau and Ginzburg introduced a model which was useful in understanding electromagnetic ____________________ of superconductors. The latest ____________________ in superconductivity mean a revolution in technology and industry.

Мы находим (to find) данную возможность очень благоприятной. Мы знаем что винтовые самолеты летают медленнее чем реактивные. Ученые во многих странах считают, что винтовые двигатели более экономичные. Оказалось, что свойства материалов, полученных в космосе, были лучше чем у материалов созданных на Земле. Оказалось, что результаты лабораторных исследований очень полезны. Известно, что сопротивление в сверхпроводниках исчезает при температуру 4К

The laser is known to be a device producing an intensive beam of light. (PRODUCTIVE). It seems to be an interesting . ( compare). Any improvement is influenced by the achievements of scientific and technological progress. (SCIENCE). Research and technology should provide the basis for a better life. (BASE). A superconductor is a solid material that abruptly loses all resistance to the flow of electric current in case of cooling. (ABRUPT). However a number of superconductor uses have been proposed. (PROPOSAL).

The mechanical properties of semiconductors vary greatly. However, in ___ , brittleness (хрупкость) and fracture ____, ____crystals resemble insulating crystals more they do metals. Besides their electric properties, _______vary in such physical qualities as magnetisim, ___heat and thermal _________.

Superconducting materials are ... which can transmit electric currents with no ... of energy at temperatures much higher than superconductors. One use for the new superconductors would be to replace those that need the ... cold of liquid helium. Other types of electromagnets made with superconductors could be used to lower the ... of electric generation and ... .


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